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October 11, 12 & 13


Located in Hodge Exhibit Hall

Chair: Nancy Howe

· All exhibitors must have an exhibitor's number which can be obtained in several ways: Friday at the Hodge building between 4:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m., the fair office (603-284-7062) or e-mail: Be sure to include your complete mailing address with zip code.

· Late entries will not be accepted. Entries must remain at the exhibit hall until 5:00 p.m. Monday when they may be picked up until 6:30 p.m. Vehicles will not be allowed on the grounds until

 6:00 p.m. Monday.

· Entries should have simple labels and new lids. Labels are to be placed on the front of the jars, and must have ONLY the exhibitor #, category #, category name and processing date. Exhibitors name must NOT be visible but may be on the BOTTOM of the jar if desired. Each jar must be separately listed on the "Hall Entry Form", which can be obtained on the fair website under "download entry forms," ( or by calling the fair office or the night of drop off.

· Canned goods are not opened and are judged entirely on appearance of jar and contents. Color, uniformity, packing, bail height, etc. as stated in the Ball Blue Book. Rings are removed and lids inspected, so excessive decorations hinder judging. Listing ingredients on a separate label is optional. Please leave rings on the lids and make sure that all labels are securely attached. Jars should be clean and neat. All canned goods must be current year's canning. Old style flip lids with rubber ring seals are not acceptable and will be automatically disqualified.

· Exhibitors with multiple entries are encouraged to stop at the Fair Office and pick up your exhibitor tags before the fair. This will save time on the night of drop off, as each jar needs its own tag. If you are unable to get your tags ahead of time, they will be available at the canned goods department on Friday between 4:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Canned Goods

Premiums & Catagories

Premiums (unless otherwise noted):  1st: $4.00 2nd: $3.00 3rd: $2.00

Youth entries (under age 14) will be judged on individual merit. Please note on entry form.

Please Enter Your Best Jar of:

1. Applesauce

2. Blackberries

3. Blueberries

4. Peaches

5. Pears

6. Plums

7. Raspberries

8. Other Fruit

9. Fruit Juices

10. Tomatoes

11. Tomato Juice

12. Tomato Sauce

13. Other Tomatoes

14. Chili Sauce

15. Tomato Ketchup

16. Spaghetti Sauce

17. Salsa

18. Barbeque Sauce

19. Beans, cut

20. Beans, whole

21. Mixed Vegetables

22. Beets

23. Carrots, Sliced

24. Corn

25. Pumpkin/Winter Squash

26. Cauliflower/Broccoli

27. Vegetable Juice

28. Other Vegetable

29. Beets, pickled

30. Bread & Butter Pickles

31. Dill Spears

32. Dill Pickles, whole

33. Dill Pickles, chip

34. Green Tomato Pickles

35. Pickled Dilly Beans

36. Kosher Pickles

37. Mixed Pickles

38. Mustard Pickles

39. Piccalilli

40. Pickled Peppers

41. Sour Pickles

42. Golden Glow

43. Sweet Pickles

44. Fruit Pickles

45. Other Pickles

46. Green Tomato Relish

47. Cucumber Relish

48. Zucchini Relish

49. Corn Relish

50. Cranberry Relish

51. Pepper Relish

52. Other Relish

53. Apple Jelly

54. Crabapple Jelly

55. Blackberry Jelly

56. Blueberry Jelly

57. Grape Jelly

58. Red Raspberry Jelly

59. Black Raspberry Jelly

60. Strawberry Jelly

61. 2 Fruit Jelly

62. 3 Fruit Jelly

63. Herb Jelly

64. Pepper Jelly

65. Mint Jelly

66. Other Jelly

67. Blackberry Jam

68. Blueberry Jan

69. Grape Jam

70. Peach Jam

71. Pear Jam

72. Plum Jam

73. Red Raspberry Jam

74. Black Raspberry Jam

75. Strawberry Jam

76. 2 Fruit Jam

77. 3 Fruit Jam

78. Other Jams

79. Chutney

80. Fruit Butters

81. Conserves

82. Marmalades

83. Preserves

84. Fruit Syrup

85. Pie Filling

86. Flavored Vinegar

87. Flavored Oil

88. Soup

89. Other Entries

Premiums for Collections

1st: $5.00  2nd: $4.00  3rd: $3.00

90. Pickle Collection (4 varieties)

91. Vinegar Collection (4 varieties)

92. Jam Collection (4 varieties)

93. Jelly Collection (4 varieties)

94. Fruit Juice Collection (4 varieties)

95. Fruit Collection (4 varieties)

96. Vegetable Collection (4 varieties)

1st: $3.50 2nd: $3.00 3rd: $2.00

97. Youth Entries

98. Adult Best in Show $7.00

99. Youth Best in Show $6.00

100. Judges Choice Ribbon Only

101. New Adult Canner Ribbon Only

102. New Youth Canner Ribbon Only

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