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October 11, 12 & 13


Located in the Smith Exhibit Hall

Flower Rules:

Chair: Tracy Ripkey 603-284-6213 Committee: Carla Muskat & Cristin Bailey

• Entries must be delivered Thursday, Oct. 10 from 5-7 p.m. or Friday, Oct. 11, from 1-3 p.m. (Please note this is a change for 2024) and picked up between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m., Monday. Vehicles are not allowed on Fair grounds before 6:00 p.m.

• Entries must have an exhibitor’s tag with the variety, division and class (see below) in order to be judged with other like entries. Exhibitors are encouraged to stop at the Fair Office and pick up exhibitor tags before the fair, saving time on the night of drop off, as each entry needs its own tag.

• No exhibitor may compete against himself in same division or with same species.

• To be eligible, specimen entries (Division 1) shall be grown and selected by the exhibitor. Specimens will be judged according to size, color, form and foliage.

• Arrangements will be judged according to artistic merit and horticultural excellence. (Classes 4-12 may include material not grown by the exhibitor.)

• The right is reserved to withhold a premium when the quality is not worthy of an award. Awards by the judges are final.

• Please do not use any bittersweet or fire bush in your arrangements; these are invasive plants and are regulated by the State.


Adult Premiums: 1st — $5.00 2nd — $4.00 3rd — $3.00 Best in Show — $20.00 Judge's Favorite — Ribbon Only

Division 1: Any garden flower, single stem (No herbs, please)

Division 2: House Plant

a. Flowering—must be in bloom

b. Non-flowering

c. Cactus

Division 3: Hanging Plant

a. Flowering—must be in bloom

b. Non-flowering

Division 4: Arrangement of Cut Flowers

a. Mixed Flowers

b. Single variety – no fillers

Division 5: Dried Flower Arrangement Division 6: Table Centerpiece

a. Floral

b. Novelty

c. Non-floral – plant based/not artificial Division 7: Dish Garden

Division 8: Door Hanging Wreath, Swag, etc.

a. Fresh materials

b. Dried materials

Division 9: Terrarium

Division 10: Window box or planter

Division 11: Any special holiday display – floral or plant based/not artificial Division 12: Miniature arrangements

a. Small flowers or foliage: arrangement not to exceed 4 inches in any direction.

b. Small flowers or foliage arrangement: not to exceed 8 inches in any direction.

c. Novelty arrangement: small flowers or foliage not to exceed 8 inches in any direction.

d.  Single variety small flower or foliage arrangement: not to exceed 8 inches in any direction. No fillers.


Junior Premiums: 1st — $3.00 2nd — $2.00 3rd — $1.00 Best in Show — Junior Division $10.00

Division 13: Under 8 years old

a. Floral bouquet

b. Grown in containers

c. Unusual entry

d. Dish garden with vegetable materials only (excluding possible water source).

e. Dish garden that tells a story; please include a one paragraph story.

Division 14: 8–10 years old

a. Floral bouquet

b. Grown in containers

c. Unusual entry

d. Dish garden with vegetable materials only (excluding possible water source).

e. Dish garden that tells a story; please include a one paragraph story.

Division 15: 11–15 years old

a. Floral bouquet

b. Grown in containers

c. Unusual entry

d. Dish garden with vegetable materials only (excluding possible water source).

e. Dish garden that tells a story; please include a one paragraph story.

Divisions & Premiums

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