No animal may arrive earlier than Thursday, October 10, 2024 unless special permission from the chairperson or Livestock Superintendent has been obtained. Animals must remain on the fairgrounds until 5:30 PM, Monday October 14, 2024 at the close of the fair unless other arrangements have been made with the Livestock Superintendent.
Animals registered in the name of one or more members of the same family may be entered in either the name of the individual owner or the farm name. If entered by the individual owner those individuals will be considered as “Exhibitors” in both single and group classes. If entered in the farm name the farm will be considered as the “Exhibitor” in both single and group classes.
If an individual chooses to enter as an exhibitor, none of his animals may be entered under the farm name. For entries made under the farm name one entry blank will be used with the owner(s) of each animal being indicated.
Premiums will be limited to two entries per exhibitor in single classes and one entry per exhibitor in all group classes except get-of-sire and produce-of-dam.
Rules 1,2 and 3 will be applied on a “per Breed” basis.
Exhibitors must combine entries for get-of-sire or produce-of-dam classes. However, each exhibitor will be limited to one “get-of-sire” and one “produce-of-dam”.
Any animal shown in a group class must first be entered and shown in its respective single class.
Registration papers must be brought to the ring for three-best-females, get-of-sire and produce-of-dam classes.
All animals must be registered and owned by the exhibitor 30 days prior to show date.
Base dates for age of animals will be September 1 and March 1.
No animal may be shown out of its age class.
Any senior yearling in milk must be shown either in a separate class, i.e. milking senior yearlings or in the two year class. Milking senior yearlings are ineligible for junior champion, junior get-of-sire and breeder’s young herd classes.
Awards will be made according to merit and no premium will be awarded unless the entry is meritorious.
All decisions of the judge(s) will be final.
Any bull one year of age or older must have nose leads or proper restraint.
All registration papers will be checked for identity and age before showing.
All entries must meet health requirements as prescribed by the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture.
4-H animals may show in open classes. Entries must be no later than September 30th of current year.
No transportation charges will be paid.
Exhibitors must furnish their own hay.
Entrants are encouraged to participate in the parade on Sunday.
The Sandwich Fair Association, Inc. reserves the right to exclude any animal not vaccinated for rabies at the sole discretion of the Superintendent.
All entries shall remain until 5:30 PM Monday
No vehicles on the fair grounds until 6:00 PM Monday