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October 11, 12 & 13




Saturday, October 12, 2024 at       9:00 a.m.

Sheep/Goat Building


CHAIR: Nichole Nadeau 


SECRETARY: Hailey Farley

See Animal Health Rules and Regulations





1. There will be no pre-show milk out.

2. Base date for determining age of animals is day of the show.

3. For the protection of all animals, animals must be inspected by a 

show committee person upon arrival.

4. Verification of all veterinary certificates for out of state animals 

will be made at the time of inspection. Animals without veterinary certificates will not be allowed to check in.

5. All animals must be ADGA registered and tattooed by these rules for ID.

6. Any animal showing signs of infectious or contagious disease will 

not be allowed to unload or be shown. All entry fees will be forfeited if asked to leave to fairgrounds.

7. It is RECOMMENDED that all animals have a rabies inoculation.

8. All entries must be post marked on or before September 15th of the current year. Entry fee is $5.00 per animal and must accompany your entry. ALL ENTRY FEES ARE NONREFUNDABLE. Substitutions of same breed only in same class allowed. Send all ENTRY FORMS AND FEES to Sandwich Fair Association Inc., PO Box 161, Sandwich NH 03227. Make all checks payable to Sandwich Fair Association.

9. Original registration certificate is required on all animals 6 months of age or older. This original registration certificate or stamped duplicate copy, stamped by ADGA, is required for all animals under 6 months of age. Proof of Championship shall be in the prefix CH or GCH as affixed by ADGA on registration certificate. All papers much be checked by Show Secretary at check in.

10. All animals must be on the grounds by 8:00 a.m. and checked in with Show Secretary BY 8:30 a.m. Exhibitors will not be allowed to drive their vehicles through the main gate after 8:00 a.m. Anyone arriving after this time will be asked to unload their animals at the main gate and walk them to the barn. Vehicles will not be allowed to re-enter until 5:00 p.m. If you want to leave prior to this, then you must walk your animals to the main gate. Help may or may not be available to help.

11. The Junior & Combined Doe Show will be separately sanctioned. ALL ADGA RULES SHALL GOVERN. All animals shown in group or specialty classes must have been shown in breed class.

12. Breeds will be shown in the following order: LAlpine, Nubian, Oberhasli, Toggenburg, AOP, Recorded Grade & Nigerian Dwarf.

13. Animals may leave after their breeds have been judged and dismissed by the Show Secretary if you DO NOT have a best of breed animal.

14. The Sandwich Fair Association, INC. may not be held responsible for loss, damage or accident to any animal, person, or property at this show.

15. Order of Show IS subject to change to make show run smoothly.


Group Class Rules:

1. Dam & Daughter: Both MUST be in milk.

2. Produce of Dam: Two MILKING does from the same dam.

3. Senior Get-of-Sire: Three does, all in milk, by same sire. Sire must be named.

4. Dairy Herd: Four Does, owned by same exhibitor, all must be in milk.

5. Junior Get-of-Sire: Three does, all dry, same sire, sire must be named.





Senior Does

1st Place    $12

2nd Place  $11

3rd Place   $10

4th Place   $ 9

Junior Does

1st Place    $10

2nd Place  $ 9

3rd Place   $ 8

4th Place   $ 7

Ch. Challenge

1st Place    $14

2nd Place  $13

3rd Place   $12

4th Place   $ 11

Group Classes

1st Place    $12

2nd Place  $11

3rd Place   $10

4th Place   $ 9

Combined Doe Show Classes


Classes & Premiums

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