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October 11, 12 & 13


Monday, October 14th at 9:00 a.m.

Sheep/Goat Building (3)

Chair: Joanne Bickford 

Ph: 603-707-7791

CoChair: Frederick Bickford


See Animal Health Rules and Regulations

1. Advance entries only, and all entries must be received by September 15th of the current year.

2. Ribbon awards will be made as well as cash premiums.

3. All registered sheep will be ear-tagged with personal and/or association tags as required by the breed association and recorded on the original registration certificate.

4. Each animal entered as registered breed MUST have been checked in at paper check prior to  8:00 a.m. Monday morning, which includes presentation of original health papers and original registration papers that indicate owner and permanent identification of animal. These papers must have been in effect at least 30 days prior to the Fair. All animals must have ear tags.

5. Entries shall arrive Monday before 7:00 a.m. and remain until 5:00 p.m. Monday. Pens will be assigned.

6. No exhibitor may enter more than two breeds nor receive more than two premiums in the same breed - same class. All meat breeds must be blocked and trimmed.

7. The judge will have the sole discretion as to premiums to be awarded in any class. If animals are not worthy, the judge can place animals accordingly or combine classes.

8. The Fair Rules and Regulations for livestock will apply.

9. Premiums will be forfeited for misrepresented sheep.

10. Exhibitors are expected to clean up their pens, tack and show area and leave it in better condition than when they arrived.

11. Pens being used for tack must be cleared out by 5:00 p.m. Sunday for incoming sheep.

Open Sheep Show

Registered Pure-Bred Sheep Breeds

Border, Leicester, Natural Colored, Shropshire,

Cheviot, Oxford, Southdown,

Dorset, Romney, Suffolk,

Finn, Shetland, Tunis, Hampshire, All Other Breeds


Div. Description  1st  2nd  3rd  4th  5th

1. Ram—1 Yr. & under 2 yrs.     $20.00 $16.00  $12.00   $10.00  $8.00

2. Ram Lamb—under 1 Yr.     $20.00  $16.00  $12.00   $10.00  $8.00

3. Champion Ram        RIBBON ONLY

4. Yearling Ewe—1 Yr. & Under 2 Yr.    $20.00 $16.00  $12.00   $10.00  $8.00

5. Ewe Lamb—under 1 Yr.   $20.00 $16.00  $12.00   $10.00  $8.00

6. Champion Ewe       RIBBON ONLY

7. Pair of Lambs —1 Ewe, 1 Ram   $20.00 $16.00  $12.00   $10.00  $8.00

8. Flock: 1 Ram,1 Ewe Lamb,1 Yearling Ewe  $25.00 $20.00  $15.00  $12.00  $10.00

9. Grand Champion Ram     RIBBON ONLY

10. Grand Champion Ewe      RIBBON ONLY

All divisions will be shown by breeds. Show order will be determined by the Superintendent.

Classes & Premiums

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