Show Time is 9:00 AM.- Sunday, October 13, 2024
RULES: See 4-H Livestock Department Rules and Guidelines for 4-H animal shows in this publication. All animals must be accompanied by a health certificate identifying each animal and indicating that they originate from a certified Brucellosis free herd or are negative to a blood test for Brucellosis within 30 days of the start of the first show of the season.
Only goat members owning or leasing animals, which they have cared for and handled prior to June 15 are eligible to exhibit. All purebred animals must be registered in the 4-H member's name only or will need to have an approved lease from.
Registration deadline
All 4-H Livestock must be entered online by September 15.
Go to www.thesandwichfair.com for a link to the online Entry forms.
4-H Goat Show
Divisions & Premiums
Div. 181-184: Fitting & Showing: Grade A, $20.00; Grade B, $15.00; Grade C, $10.00.
Premiums Div. 185-197: Grade A, $15.00; Grade B, $11.00; Grade C, $9.00.
Fitting & Showmanship
Div. 181 Senior Fitting & Showing
Div. 182 Intermediate Fitting & Showing
Div. 183 Junior Fitting & Showing
Div. 184 Novice Fitting & Showing
Individual Classes
Div. 185 Milkers under 2 years
Div. 186 Milkers 2 and under 3 years
Div. 187 Milkers 3 years and under 4
Div. 188 Milkers 4 years and under 5
Div. 189 Aged Milkers over 5 years
Senior Champion (Ribbon Only)
Div. 190 Doe Kids 4-6 months (as of October 1)
Div. 191 Doe Kids 6-9 months (as of October 1)
Div. 192 Doe Kids 9-12 months (as of October 1)
Div. 193 Dry yearlings—12 to 24 months
Junior Champion (Ribbon Only)
Group Classes
Div. 194 Dam and Daughter (two does owned by exhibitor and shown in previous classes)
Div. 195 Produce of Dam (2 animals, from same dam, owned by the exhibitor and shown in previous classes, do not have to be in milk)
Div. 196 Herd (3 animals of the same breed, shown in previous classes, any age, do not have to be in milk)
Div. 197 Barn Management - Exhibitors will be judged during the fair on cleanliness of pens and pen area, cleanliness and appearance of goats, contributions to appearance of general area, care of own animals, politeness and informative attitude toward public.
Div. 198 Best Sr. Doe in show (Ribbon Only)
Div. 199 Best Jr. Doe in show (Ribbon Only)
Div. 200 Best Udder – one entry per-member only (Ribbon Only)
Breeds: Alpine, Guernsey, LaManchas, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, Toggenburg, Recorded Grades, Nigerian Dwarf, all other Dairy Goats.
Note: Exhibitors who plan to show in the open goat show must enter in advance with the chairman of that department. See open goat show rules.