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October 11, 12 & 13


Show Time is 9:00 AM.- Saturday, October 12, 2024

RULES:  4-H dog shows are open to 4-H members enrolled in the 4-H Dog Care and Training project and who have enrolled their project animal with their County UNH Cooperative Extension office by May 1st of the current year.

4-H dogs may be crossbred or purebred and must be at least 6 months of age at the time of the show. All grooming and training is to be done by the 4-H member. Baiting is acceptable in Fit and Show, as long as it does not interfere with other dogs. Members might be asked questions during Fit and Show.

Show Requirements: 4-H Intent-to-Show Forms signed by the member’s 4-H Extension staff, by May 1st of the current year. Members must bring this form with them to each 4-H show.

Health Forms: Every dog at a 4-H show must be accompanied by a 4-H Dog Show Health Sheet. Do not bring a dog to show if it is showing any signs of illness. Bitches in heat are not allowed at 4-H shows under any circumstances.

Registration deadline

All 4-H Livestock must be entered online by September 15th.

Go to for a link to the online Entry forms.

4 H Dog Show

Divisions & Premiums

Premiums: Div.  200-204: Fitting & Showing : Grade A, $20.00; Grade B, $15.00; Grade C, $10.00.

Premiums Div. 205-215: Grade A, $15.00; Grade B, $11.00; Grade C, $9.00.


Div. 200 Senior Fitting & Showing- exhibitors 14-18 years and, (1) at least one obedience class, or, (2) the family dog class only. The dog used in Fit and Show must also be shown in Obedience at that same show. Additional dogs may be shown in Obedience if they have the proper 4-H forms.

Div. 201 Intermediate Fitting & Showing- exhibitors 12-13 years

Div. 202  Junior Fitting & Showing- exhibitors 9-11 years

Div. 203  Novice Fitting & Showing- first year show person 8-13 years


Div. 204  Family Dog- 4-H members entering this class may enter no other classes at the show except Fitting & Show, General Knowledge Quiz, costume class and the stuffy class. The member will show that their dog can sit, stay, come, and walk calmly on a leash. The member will demonstrate a general knowledge of dogs and dog care including home care, feeding, and health.

Div. 205 Sub Novice A- Handler has not trained a dog at beginner or more advanced levels. All work on lead. Heel on leash, figure 8, stand for examination, recall & finish, long sit (1 min.) & long down (3 min.). Obedience Classes - AKC rules and regulations serve as guidelines

Div. 206 Sub Novice B- For experienced handlers, work same as Sub-Novice A. Dogs must not have qualified beyond the beginner class. Dogs are shown on lead. Heel on leash, figure 8, stand for examination, recall & finish, long sit (1 min.) & long down (3 min.).

Div. 207 Beginner Novice- For member whose dogs have not received a qualifying score at or beyond the pre-novice level. Members in this class must not have shown or trained a dog beyond this level. The following exercises will be perform on lead: heal and figure eight, and sit for exam. The sit stay will be on leash but leash will be dropped on the ground. Recall will be off leash.

Div. 208 Pre-Novice- For member whose dogs have not received a qualifying score at or beyond the novice level. The following exercises will be performed on lead, heal and figure eight. The following will be performed off leash, Heel off Leash, Stand for Exam. Recall will be off leash. Sit or down Stay.

Div. 209 Novice A- Heel and figure 8 on leash. Off leash stand for examination, heel free, recall & finish, long sit (1 min.) & long down (3 min.) off lead. Handler has not trained a dog at Novice or more advanced levels.

Div. 210 Novice B- For experienced handlers, work same as Novice A.

Div. 211 Pre-Graduate Novice- Off lead - drop on recall, long sit (3 min.), long down (5 min.),out of sight.

Div. 212 Graduate Novice B- Experienced handlers, work same as Graduate Novice A

Div. 213 Open A- All off lead, includes jumps. Bring your own jumps.

Div. 214 Open B- Utility- CDX dogs and handlers. A dog that has earned a UD degree will show for premiums and Danish ribbons only.

Individual Classes

Div. 215 General Knowledge Quiz: A mandatory general knowledge quiz is part of the show for all exhibitors, except those showing in Family Dog. Questions will be selected from 4-H Dog Project

Div. 216 Costume Contest: The costume contest is for both the dog and handler. No Award.

Div. 217 Kennel Management: Members are judges on the appearance of their kennel area. Criteria includes organization, presence of educational displays, etc.

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