4-H Animal Fence Talk
Swine Ring - Sunday 3:30 p.m. or Monday 2:00 p.m.
4-H animal fence talks are a 4-H action exhibit with a member’s project animal. 4-H members are invited to give a short talk and answer questions to the public with their project animal. This is a 4-H communication experience and 4-Hers will be judged on their ability to successfully interact with and engage the public using their animal as the subject. Successful presentations will receive premiums based on their presentation score. The focus of the 4-H Animal Fence Talk is the 4-Her’s knowledge of some aspect of their animal. Therefore, it is important that the animal be present. While equipment such as tack, milking or grooming stands are allowed, visual aides are not required. If the 4-Her feels that a poster would enhance their talk, they may bring one. The poster will be hung on the outside of the fence and not be part of the judging.
Small or large animals may be used and the exhibit topic may range broadly from animal care to an aspect of, or demonstration of, an animal sport or competition. For example, a dog-based exhibit may focus on basic training (sit, stay, etc.), animal care or canine sport (such as a short agility demo). A talk on goats could be on animal care, husbandry, milking demo, or fitting and showing an animal. The Animal Fence Talk should typically include only one animal, but some topics may call for more than one such as a team of oxen, flock of sheep, etc.
Each Fence Talk slot will last approximately 30 minutes in duration, but the actual talk may be only 10 minutes in length and be repeated to new audiences as the public filters in and out. Questions by the public can round out the time. 4-H Project Animal Fence Talks will take place in in various show rings. Youth will be assigned a time and place based on availability and show schedules.
Animals used for the fence talk, must be a 4-H Project animal and have appropriate paperwork (intent to show form, health forms, etc.) Animals not being shown in a 4-H show at the Fair, such as rabbits or chickens, can be used for the Animal Fence Talk but must be cleared by the 4-H Program staff.
4-H Animal Fence Talks
Premiums will be based on how well the youth presents their animal, demonstrates knowledge and interacts with the audience.
Blue $25 Red $18 White $10
Animal Fence Talk Scoresheet
Name: Age: Presentation:
Audience Interaction
Engages with audience, initiates presentation and conversation, confidently answers questions.
5 - - - 4 - - - 3 - - - 2 - - - 1
Audience Interaction
Does not engage with the audience, is mostly quiet, answers questions if asked.
Is well spoken on subject of their animal or has prepared narrative.
5 - - - 4 - - - 3 - - - 2 - - - 1
Is not well spoken on subject of their animal or has no prepared narrative and.
Is knowledgeable about their subject animal. Answers questions correctly and confidently.
5 - - - 4 - - - 3 - - - 2 - - - 1
Is not knowledgeable about their subject animal. Does not answer questions correctly and confidently.
Use/Appearance of Animal
Animal is clean, handled well and used/referenced appropriately for demonstration.
5 - - - 4 - - - 3 - - - 2 - - - 1
Use/Appearance of Animal
Animal is dirty, not handled well or used/referenced appropriately for demonstration.
Speaker Dress/Appearance
Presenter is dressed appropriately for demonstration and clothes are clean and neat.
5 - - - 4 - - - 3 - - - 2 - - - 1
Speaker Dress/Appearance
Presenter is dressed poorly for demonstration and clothes are dirty and unkempt.
Speaker stands with confidence speaks clearly, maintains eye contact. May use props or poster.
5 - - - 4 - - - 3 - - - 2 - - - 1
Speaker slouches or lacks confidence, speaks softly, does not maintain eye contact. No props or poster.
B > 24, R > 18, W < 18
Excellent Needs work
Total Score /30